Friends Group Plans

Many of us were surprised to find out this walled garden was under threat from development for luxury townhouses. This historic garden and its walls have stood for so long and been tended by so many generations it seems a crime to build on it. There is abundant empty land surrounding it available for housing, but the garden is rare in being unpolluted and suitable for food growing.

East Wall - trained fruit trees
The east wall when uncovered.

A group of local people have put in a request to the development company to have Granton Castle Walled Garden safeguarded and recognised as an important and rare historic walled garden. The remains of a Victorian Orchard are still fruitful and full of unusual varieties.

We wish to help restore and manage the walled garden for use by community members.

Time is what we requested to allow local people to hear about the planned garden developments, and add their opinions and ideas. Some have been generated already and discussed by keen gardeners living in Granton and Pilton. They focus on local food production, and environmental education and activities: ideas are bulleted below.

  • Heritage Orchard restoration and expansion.
  • Retail nursery for production of plants with a purpose; fruit, herbs, vegetables,      nectar plants and native wildflower species.
  • Base for a local ‘edible garden design’ social enterprise.
  • Medicinal and culinary herbs production for use in a community café and workshops.
  • Permaculture garden design area showcasing planting to combat environmental changes and save water. Forest garden approach.
  • Glasshouse restoration for use to supply local community gardens and cafes with both winter crops and vegetable plants in spring
  • Beekeeping and honey products.
  • Small scale free range chickens for egg production.
  • Community education workshops centred on gardening, crafts, herbal medicine, environmental education and seasonal food.
  • History/visitor centre combined with the community café showcasing the gardens long and sometimes dramatic history, dating back as far as Mary Queen of Scots time.
  • Oral and visual History of recent horticulture from Victorian era to present day.

Our plan below was developed with the help of a local horticultural consultant and landscape architect and designer based on the survey results.

How the ideas could fit into the walled garden.
How the ideas could fit into the walled garden.

Please get in touch using the contacts page if you have any ideas or questions, or want to help by joining the Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden.