New Years Greetings from Granton’s Secret Garden

The Friends Group is excited to welcome visitors and volunteers to our first Open Door Day in 2019! If you feel like a wander ‘off the beaten track’ why not drop in to this hidden gem on the shore 5th January between 12 and 2pm. Secret Garden Open Saturday  

Past, present and future..of Granton’s lost castle garden… recordings from 2018

Mild winter weather and continued mini-sessions with keen volunteers have wrought more changes and expanding access to the whole 2 acre walled garden for the first time. Now with a view to Fife in the distance.

A view over the Forth emerging from the top of the garden

The New Year gives us time to look back on some of the highlights and achievements of 2018, reflect and plan ahead. A wee timeline of images below capturing the atmosphere and spirit of volunteers helping to restore this remarkable late medieval garden. Hope you enjoy reminiscing and visit us in 2019!  

Lots of volunteering opportunities to come in the New Year and an announcement or two from the group…good news! Get in touch at the new e-mail address if you want to find out more.