Harvest Season and fruits to come

July was a busy month with lots of visitors, new recruits and volunteers helping to bash thistles and other weeds that seed to open up new areas of the garden to community use.

Our first harvests from the kitchen garden are ready to share, delicious hardneck garlic, new potatoes and courgettes. It was a pleasure to picnic and chat about future plans and dreams for the heritage environment. Meet with many interested people and plan things we can do together in the ‘secret garden’.

farmers picnic
Harvest picnic with the garlic filled gazebo photo from Ashley Erdman

The month was made complete with a lovely evening at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh for the preview of the community exhibits, part of the Edinburgh Shoreline  open until the 23rd September. Edinburgh Shoreline Exhibition
Proud knitters with a beautiful backdrop of everyone’s work

Our next Open Door tours day is Saturday 4th August from 12-2ish. Details here Event post
Volunteer mini-sessions to continue on a Weds and Sunday from 11-1pm. Lots of harvesting, weeding, seedsowing, mulching, compost making, firepit building, bramble picking and perhaps some rustic carpentry…watch this space.