Winter has brought together people ready to make a start in Granton Castle Walled Garden, tending to it and bringing it back to life this spring. Over the last three years many of us have planned what we could do in the garden based on hopes and dreams, a shared love of the history and potential of this ‘secret’ garden.
Last week we received word from the owners, they are to proceed with making a new doorway into the walled garden and a temporary licence agreement with the Friends Group. This means we could start hosting activities and small group visits as soon as April 2017!
Help our community group get growing in 2017 by supporting our crowdfunding campaign to raise £10,000 for essentials needed to begin work. Read more about our proposals for 2017. Share and donate if you can at, Space to Grow, Learn and Dream
Every £1 raised will go towards involving community members in reshaping the neglected historic garden to benefit people, the environment and wildlife.
This appeal has been aided by Greenspace Scotland who support MyPark Scotland and fundraising undertaken to help manage and improve urban greenspaces. Some help people grow too, MyPark Projects
Our next public event is an exhibition at North Edinburgh Arts beginning on the 20th February: to display our garden plans for the two acre walled garden and share photos of community growing around Forth Ward’s regenerated openspaces. We will be under the heading Community Food Growing and Sharing. North Edinburgh Arts community plot
Friends Group February meeting date tba, new local venue. March 11th AGM where everyone will have a chance to join in, ask questions and add ideas.