Finding Granton’s lost Castle Garden

A groundswell of opinion is rising in favour of saving Granton’s secret garden from a luxury housing development! Positive feedback on making the garden accessible and productive once more. Survey of Friends Group Ideas will be open until midsummer. Thankyou to all those who’ve filled in the questionnaire so far, it has been useful to read your ideas, opinions and comments. Results published in July.
Local people have been busy spreading the story of this inaccessible and relatively unknown ‘green jewel’ on the wateEdinburgh Life Issue-39rfront. We have recently had articles published in Edinburgh Life’s May/June edition, and made presentations at Edinburgh university and our local council.
Gardens and Enclosures conferenceFriends Group members have spoken to over 70 people walking along the waterfront beside the walled garden over the last two weekends, to poll opinion on the garden’s future. Great chatting to everyone in the sunshine and hearing the enthusiasm and support for making the garden accessible as a destination point for local residents, visitors, walkers and cyclists alike.

Many people  were surprised that the historic garden was even there, its great age and survival story in such an unexpected spot.

The B-listed late-medieval garden dating from ~1479 according to some references, is now acknowledged to be one of the oldest undeveloped walled gardens in Edinburgh by experts from Historic Environment Scotland.
Next Friends Group meeting date and venue at the end of June tba. Please get in touch if you want to come along or have any questions. Last meeting notes can be found on the link below.
Friends Group meeting April 28th 2016