Sharing Granton’s secret Garden

You may have heard of Granton Castle Walled Garden, but still not know where it is: that it is kept locked up and no-one can enter, or that it is still at risk from a luxury housing development!
At the end of this month the Friends Group campaign to safeguard and restore the walled garden will reach a crucial point.

  • On the 29th of July council planners will make a final decision on the 2004 Waterfront Edinburgh Limited application; ‘minded to grant’ since 2004 for demolition of parts of the walled garden to make way for 17 townhouses.

Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden hope planners decide to refuse the 2004 WEL application, instead allowing a chance of the listed garden’s restoration for community use.
Hundreds of local people have made their views known through petitions, representations and deputations to the city council, community councils and other organisations over the last year. Earlier this spring some of our group members recorded their reasons for getting involved & trying to Save our secret Garden! Click on the link below to view the 5 min film.
‘Save our Secret Garden’ Film – Friends Group members explain.
Historic Scotland visited the walled garden this spring and after reviewing the research compiled, concluded that it merits B-listing. Much older than previously thought, infact the oldest undeveloped walled garden in Edinburgh!
So what will happen if the council decide in favour of the historic garden being protected and restored at the end of this month?

  • Raising funds for a future community buyout was discussed at our last two Friends Group meetings.
  • Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill news is good for community groups like ours, interested in taking on the responsibility for a bit of our historic environment on the waterfront.

Community shares? – One idea to let local people own a bit of the walled garden and take part in planning and decisions on its future.
One share = one vote
Would you want to help raise funds & save the garden if we could buy it?
Buy a share in the garden at £10 per share?
Get in touch or come along to a Friends Group Meeting if you want to hear more, ask questions or get involved. Next meeting on ‘Ideas for the Garden’, mid-August date & venue to be confirmed.