Two years ago Friends Group members first became interested in the walled garden because of the orchard remains & old glasshouses, the space and possibilities!
We felt they still had a lot of life left and could be restored by local people like ourselves, interested in growing and sharing food.
Many more ideas have blossomed since then as community food growers, ecologists, landscape architects, garden historians and others have become involved with the Friends Group. The time has come to start work with Historic Environment Scotland!
Initially two training days are planned for Friends Group members in October, provided through Scotlands Urban Past
Ideas from the ‘Meanwhile Use’ proposal, presented to EDI group ltd in August are bulleted below. The Friends Group members will be discussing how to progress these initial ideas, and a few others, at the next ‘Action group’ meeting in October.
- Heritage Orchard Restoration – Apples to try from Eve’s Apple Shack – ‘taste of the past’ & discussion of what we could grow. Not just apples!
- Annual crop production – veggies, wheat? read more at Scotland the Bread info flier – an incredible sustainable heritage crops initiative.
- Access Creation – Funding application to start the process, some signage & documenting the group’s activities to help raise awareness.
- Beekeeping in the garden – a talk from Luisa the sustainable beekeeper, about her hives and training she could provide. (dependant on dates and Luisa’s availability, members of community gardening groups keen too)
Hope to have more good news by the end of October. The chance for folk to add ideas to the growing ‘wishlist’ for the restoration and re-use of this historic garden at the November AGM!