Friends Group AGM, 26th Nov – A ‘taste of the past’

2015 has been an eventful year for the Friends Group, and much has happened since we first registered. The growing season drawing to a close seemed an appropriate time to report back on this years events and highlights to everyone, recent news, funds & plans for the future! 2015 AGM Report
Friends Of Granton Castle Garden 1st AGM will be held on the 26th Nov, between 6 and 8pm. Agenda so far.

  • Historic Environment Scotland supported project, Scotland’s Urban Past
  • Eve’s Apple Shack will be providing us with some apple samples and a few surprises to help inspire ideas for the future, & discussion of what we could grow.
  • Planning Issues… Leaving this until last as there is important news.

Intrigued? Come along and find out more about Granton’s ‘forgotten’ Walled Garden. Help support local people trying to safeguard and restore this once productive kitchen garden: dating back to the late-medieval period & the Jacobean era in its heyday.

Some of the Friends Group Members
Some of the Friends Group Members this October, surveying the land and historic walls.

Take a look at some of the historic photographs group members have accessed recently, thanks to a training day with staff at the RCAHMS search rooms. Granton Castle
Please come along to the AGM, get in touch if you have any questions, or ideas you want to add. This is your chance to help local people protect this historic walled garden from a luxury townhouse development!
Hope to see you there!