Petition ‘Save our Secret Garden’

Granton Castle & Walled Garden in 1920save-grantons-forgotten-walled-garden
Please note the petition has now closed online after gathering over 100 signatures in just ten days. Click on the link above to read some of the responses.
It was started by local people to raise awareness of this rare and precious garden’s existence, before planning permission was renewed for demolition to make way for 17 luxury townhouses.
After such a fast and positive response from people living locally and elsewhere in Edinburgh, the petition was printed and presented publically to our local councillor for the development company to read.
Amazingly there has been a turnaround in attitude from the city council, and a review of this garden’s historic status and national importance is possible now. This could safeguard it from any future development for housing.
We will keep spreading the magical tale of this garden around the local area. Time will be needed for Historic Scotland to review this garden’s listing and its long history.
Thankyou to all those who signed so quickly, it has helped a great deal to show people care about this ‘secret’ garden.
Interested in seeing more images of the castle and garden through time? Take a look at the slideshow posted on the page link above, ‘Pictures Maps and Plans’.